Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Employment rate in the UK second highest according to a study

As European countries continue economic recovery from the 2008 financial crisis, most have shown substantial growth except for a few countries such as  Spain which has an unemployment rate of 25% among adults; highest among any European country.

Amidst the recovery, the UK has gained the confidence of investment firms and businesses that are interested in investing in the UK. And with that the perception of the UK as a competitive job market is also changing.

The 18th edition of the ‘The path ahead: CBI/Accenture Employment Trends Survey’ was done with 342 respondents who employ 955,000 employees. According to the survey, job growth in the UK is the second highest in Europe after Germany, and the unemployment rate has gone down to single digits.

Job growth has been highest among:

  • Professional, scientific and technical
  • Accommodation and food service
  • Transport and storage

Job growth has been lowest among:

  • Public administration and defence
  • Agriculture, forestry & fishing
  • Human health and social work
  • Major Concern

The UK continues to increase the number of permanent jobs available, but the country still faces challenges in engaging people between 16 and 24 years old. Many graduates face uncertain futures and large sums of debts from education are an issue. But one positive for graduates is that in 2016 it is projected that 22% of firms will increase recruitment for recent graduates.

Overall, it’s positive news for not only graduates, but also for international students who take up major portion of the jobs in the UK.

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